Sermons from 2020 (Page 4)

Luke 6:17-26 “The Blessing of Pain”

super upbeat happy Christian radio DJ Christian!)Hello, out there! Have a Happy Day! That was big house by audio adrenaline, and oldy but a goody.I’m Happy happy Hank, thank you for listening to Christian light FM where we are all happy all the time!Life is happy with God. If you believe in happiness you will be! God is happy and you can…

Luke 6:12-16 “Sustained Prayer”

If I wanted to write a book that was to be a best-seller it would be titled. “Who to marry, what job to take and where to move according to God’s will”.   Because when we get to crucial points in our life, where we have to make decisions that are going to impact us for the rest of our lives it’s a…

Luke 5:33-6:11, “New Wineskins”

For those of you who are friends with me on Facebook, Hi friend. If you not on Facebook, good for you, if you are not my friend, I would love to be your Facebook friend.   If you are a friend on Facebook you know that I have been going through 10 music albums that have impacted me over the years. It is…

Luke 5:27-32 “Sinners to Repentance”

Imagine that you are a cart driver in Ancient Syria. You are hauling a load of figs from the Damascus hill country down to the port city of Caesarea, where your figs will be sent off to Rome. It’s a hard job but it feeds your family. The road is mostly free from bandits as long as you stay with a caravan.…

Luke 5:12-26 “Two meters From Sin”

Hello, introductions are overrated, open your bibles, or follow along on-screen to Luke 5:12 Luke 5:12  While he was in one of the cities, there came a man full of leprosy. And when he saw Jesus, he fell on his face and begged him, “Lord, if you will, you can make me clean.”   It’s often really hard as a preacher to bring you…

Luke 5:1-11 “Jesus Calling Peter”

INTRODUCTION So today we are going to learn about how Jesus Calls Peter to be his first disciple. This is an important moment because we learn that Jesus’ mission is not only about what he does, but what he empowers others to do as well.   We are going to look at how Jesus calls peter and apply it to how he works…

Not the End of the Story – Easter 2020

Some facts are much more important than others. One of my favorite movies of all time is “it’s a wonderful life”. George Bailey, the star of the show is frustrated. All of his dreams for his life has not turned out as he planned. He has not gotten to travel. He has not gotten to be a great architect and build amazing…

Luke 4:14-30 “Which Jesus”

How many version of Jesus Christ are there? (Show Picture) We have the regular version that we see in our Sunday school books, I like to call this guy, “White republican Jesus”. This is the Jesus that teaches children to be nice, saves us from our sins, and takes us to heaven when we die. He is a favourite fo people who…