What is the “rest” in this text? – The rest of the celestial city whose designer and builder of God. How do we get this rest? Faith with feet, faith that results in action (which all true faith does). Practical steps to aid in entering rest 1) Be encouraged in the Church 2) Join a…
In this sermon, Pastor Matt prepares us to launch into the book of Hebrews, a book all about the glory of Christ and his superiority to all things.
In this sermon, Pastor Matt warns us against the excesses and pitfalls of entertainment, and exhorts us to stay focused on Jesus and to stay in our Bibles.
Jesus is the true source of lasting joy and salvation. This is a message from the Valley Alliance Church in Fort Qu’Appelle Saskatchewan. If you would like to join us in person or find out more information you can check out our website. https://www.valleyalliancechurch.ca/
Sermon Discussion GuideSermon Title: What Child is This? Date: December 15, 2024: Third Sunday of Advent: JoyScripture: Luke 2:25-38Understanding the Message: Has a ‘God’ standard for behaviour (10Commandments, Great Commandment) He sees and knows all He sees and knows allHe knows if you have been good or bad He knows if you have been good or badHe rewards good behaviour He rewards…