"My House Will Be Called A House of Prayer"
Every Wednesday at 12 pm. We come together to pray for the Church and our Community. It is also a time to receive personal encouragement and support.
Every Wednesday at 6:30 pm
PRAYER, PRAISE and WORSHIP. We come together to pray for the Church and our Community. It is also a time to receive personal encouragement and support. All are welcome to attend.

Every Sunday at 10:15 am. We come together in the Prayer Room to pray for the Lord's Blessing upon the Worship Service. We pray that all will have a Special Encounter with the Living God.

SUNDAY WORSHIP- These faithful men and women are present to pray for those who desire personal prayer.
PRAYER CHAIN MINISTRY- You can be certain that a group of faithful men and women are praying for your prayer requests sent through a Request Form or via the Internet.