A Husband is the Head of his Wife – Like Christ 1- In Leading as a Servant 2 – In Loving for Her Sanctification 3 – In Acting Cooperatively (Not competitively)
Our young man, George went on his way, into North Africa until he came near to the city of Silene in the country of Libya. There he a cry, and rushing see what was the matter he met a fair young maiden, dressed beautifully, as for her wedding, but she was crying, George, wanted to help, dismounted and asked what was wrong, and the girl, Cleodolinda (Cloud O Linda), related to him the whole story.
I am from the fair city of Silene, we were a peaceful and prosperous city, with many sheep. And my Father the king ruled over all. Then one day our city came under attack from a terrible dragon. The dragon threatened to destroy the whole city, but my father the king was fearful of meeting the dragon head-on, so he levied a tax so that a sheep would be fed to the dragon every day, keeping it at bay. But day by day the drake’s appetite grew, and soon we needed to feed it 2 and 3 or more sheep per day, until one day the sheep ran out. With no more animal flesh to feed the dragon it ws decided that young maidens be given by lot. And so day by day the maidens were taken by lot until the day when the lot fell on me. Then Goerge replied, – how could this king, cowardly send his fair daughter to this serpentine beast?
Cleodolinda replied – “Do not look down on my father, I am ready to die for my people” – and so with tears and lamentations, I was led to the walls and outside, and so I have come to this place surrounded by the bones of my sister, awaiting my fate, But please Go, fair knight, why should both of us be destroyed by this dragon?
Men are called to take initiative in working, protecting, teaching and keeping God’s commands. From Genesis 2-3
Christian self-examination looks through the self to the Triune God to find confidence, peace and Joy. We are called to test ourselves, to look at Christ so that we might walk in ever more obedience and experience God even more fully.
Service May 19th, 2024 Acts 18:24 – 19:7
1) Sins of division are deadly 2) Mourn Sin – Like Christ 3) The solution for sin is repentance in Christ 4) Be Patient with Sinners – Like Christ 5) Redemptively confront sin – with Christ.
IN the fall of 1991 Gerald Sittser was travelling home with his mother, wife and kids from a powwow in rural Idaho. They enjoyed the dances but after began to drive home, while approaching a curve an oncoming vehicle, driven by a drunk driver, came over the median and slammed head-on into their minivan. In one second Geralds life changed. His wife Lynda, his four-year-old daughter Diana Jane …
I’ll quote, “I remember the feeling of panic that struck my soul as I watched lynda, my mother, and Diana Jane all die before my eyes. I remember the pandemonium that followed — people gawking, lights flashing from emergency vehicles, a helicopter whirring overhead. And I remember the realization sweeping over me that I would soon plunge into a darkness from which I might never again emerge as a sane, normal-believing man.
While many of us will not suffer loss like this, some of us will, and all of us will be cut by the world in such ways that even measuring the pain would be a foolish venture. Where is God? What do we make of the hardships of the Christian life? Can there be any good, in the ruthless cruelty of this broken world?
RECEIVE – We believe in weird and supernatural things but only boast of Christ. RESTRAIN – Avoid speculation, and strive to love. EDIFY – Whatever we share, we do so to build others up in Christ, and not just to make ourselves look good. In all of this – We aim to trust in what…
Don’t argue with Pride
Don’t be unchristlike
Have no part in abusive authoritarianism
Protect the weak
Speak the truth in love
Have Christlike humility