God is patient, God is merciful, God is full of grace for everyone who seeks him, but one day the time for grace will run out.
God is patient, God is merciful, God is full of grace for everyone who seeks him, but one day the time for grace will run out.
WAIT ON THE LORD IN TIMES OF TROUBLE Don’t look to Political solutions Don’t use suffering as a license to sin Don’t blame God
2 Kings 6:8-23
How little faith can you have and still be right with God? Just enough to get into the water.
1 – There is a Gift of Miracles 2 – Godly Character is often displayed in the person a miracle is done for (although God is not limited by our sins!) 3 – God is especially merciful to the oppressed 4 – God Works through acts of Faith 5 – Miracles point to Jesus
We must have a mindset of grace, rather than a mindset of works. 1) Show Gracious Hospitality. 2) Accept blessings from others humbly. 3) Receive the grace of God.
1. Seek the Lord when making plans. 2. Trust the Gospel of Grace. 3. Defeat Demonic Power by A. Knowing that demons are real B. Keeping yourself from idols C. Being steeped in Jesus.
How Elijah’s ascent to heaven points to Christ and She-Bears.
2 Kings 1 Faith and Fire (Notes 1) The Good News of Jesus Christ a. How does the third captain reveal the gospel? b. How can I respond to the gospel? 2) Idolatry a. What reveals our idolatry? b. What are idols in my own life that I need to repent of? 3) Control a.…
The Elder must be 1- A Man of Character 2- A Man who leads his Family like Christ