Anxious Age

Pray – Think – Act

Sermon Discussion Guide
Sermon Title: Anxious Age Date: December 2, 2024: First Sunday of Advent: Peace
Scripture: Philippians 4:6-9/Mathew 6:25-34
Understanding Anxiety/Worry:

  1. The message began with a heartfelt and emotional testimony by Kari of her struggle with deep
    anxiety when returning from a mission trip to Nepal in March of 2018. She struggled so much
    that it was a scary time for her, Matt and their kids. They sought medical help but to no avail.
    Even today Kari is not sure why it happened. She spoke of Matt’s care, how their church family
    cared for her and her family, how biblical counselling was helpful and how, at times, when her
    anxiety continued, the Lord comforted her with His word (particular verses) and His peace.
    One of the most emotional moments was when Kari read a passage from her journal from when
    Emma, their daughter who had died at birth some years earlier and Kari was experiencing deep
    grief wrote, ‘Lord don’t waste this suffering.’ She reminded us that ‘Christ is with us in our
    suffering’ and referred to the encouragement she received in Matt’s thoughts on ‘Cruciform
    Grief’ last week.
    Take a moment to reflect on Kari’s testimony (you can listen to it online if you weren’t able to
    attend). How is the Lord using her situation to encourage you? _______________

  1. Pastor Matt asked this question, ‘Why did the army lose the battle?’ He came back to this
    question three times during the sermon to connect our experience, our battle, with
    worry/anxiety to winning/losing a battle. The three reasons for losing a battle:
     Overwhelmed by and overwhelming force (the enemy is or appears to be too strong)
     Not equipped for battle (don’t have the right defensive/offensive weapons)
     Fight on the wrong ground (not in the right/best place to fight)
    How was visualizing worry/anxiety as a battle helpful or not helpful for you? Explain?

  1. Point #1. We Pray. Some things to consider from vv. 6-7:
     V. 6. Be anxious for nothing. But how? Through….
     Prayer. Tell God what’s happening
     Supplication (Petition NIV). Tell God what you need/want
     Thanksgiving. This is the attitude in which we pray and make supplication
    When you are worried/anxious how difficult is it for you to pray? Tell God what you need.
    Be thankful? Explain. _____________________________________________

 Pastor Matt reminded us that ‘worries are a reminder to pray.’ How is this truth helpful?

 Going deeper. When understanding the meaning of a text one of the most helpful things
to remember is ‘context always gives you the correct meaning.’ The immediate context
of a text is found in the sentences and paragraphs around it. So how does the context
affect Philippians 4:6-7? In v. 4 Paul encourages his listeners to ‘Rejoice in the Lord
always.’ Why? Because ‘The Lord is near’ (v. 5)
The reason Paul gives to pray with thanksgiving (or rejoice in the Lord) when we are
anxious is because the ‘Lord is near.’ This is like Pastor Matt’s encouragement of the last
week and Kari’s reminder this week that we need to see all grief, worries and suffering
in light of the Cross of Christ (Cruciform) and the reality that our risen Lord is near
through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
How does understanding the context – knowing that the Lord is near whatever we face
– help you to pray with thanksgiving when worried?

 V. 7. The results of praying with thanksgiving…
 God’s peace guards (protects like a military guard 1 ) your heart and mind
 God’s peace is beyond our understanding
Why does God’s promise of protection and peace encourage you to pray? Explain.

  1. Point #2. Thinking. Some things to consider from v. 8. Pastor Matt reminded us…
     We are transformed through the renewing of our mind (Romans 12:2a)
     Satan is the father of lies (John 8:44)
     We defeat Satan by putting on the full armour of God and using the Sword of the Spirit –
    God’s word (also important is the Shield of Faith which extinguishes every fiery dart of
    the evil one that he shoots at you) (Ephesians 6:10-18)
    Pastor Matt suggested we read, memorize and write down helpful verses so we can be
    prepared for the battle and defeat Satan.
     Take a moment and read Philippians 4:8. How can this help to overcome worry?

 Google ‘Bible verses for worry.’ Read and write down a few verses you find helpful. How
can this help you? _____________________________________________

  1. Point #3. Live Wisely. Some things to consider from v. 9.
    We need to put into practice things the things we have:
     Learned
     Received
     Heard
     Seen in others (especially our pastors, elders and church leaders)
    Why? ‘The God of peace will be with you.’ Why is remembering this promise important in
    dealing with anxiety? ________________________________________________

Making it Personal:
Pastor Matt closed with this encouragement, ‘We can make changes by God’s grace so the peace of God
will guard our hearts and minds.’ Think about what you have reflected on and learned as you answer
these questions.
 What was the most important truth you learned? __________________________

 How will knowing this truth set you free (and others) when experiencing grief? __

For further reflection:
Jesus gives another reason we should put God’s word into practice. Read Matthew 7:24-27. What is the
benefit of being ‘doers of the word’ and not just ‘hearers of the word?’ _______________

Grace Connection: 
Today’s grace connection is found in Philippians 4:10-13. Read it carefully and you will see Paul’s ‘secret’
of how he deals with the ups and downs of life:
 He has learned ‘the secret of being content’ (vv.11-12)
 The secret? He knows he can ‘do everything through Him (Christ) who gives me strength’ (v.13)
 This knowledge was given to him in his deep suffering recorded in 2 Cor. 12:7-10, ‘My grace is
sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.’
As Kari recorded in her journal, ‘Lord don’t waste this suffering.’ And he doesn’t (see Romans 8:28)
My prayer: ________________________________________________________________